Technology architecture: the discipline for the future definition of a manifesto Gabriella Peretti 32-43 PDF
Thoughts on basic training for the design: relationships with research innovations Rossana Raiteri 60-67 PDF
Simple Systems - Complex Capacities. Integrative Processes of Computational Morphogenesis in Architecture Achim Menges 68-77 PDF
Industrial archaeology and suburbs: two cases of technological and environmental design Luciano Cupelloni 106-107 PDF
Architectural design and technology in safety critical buildings: an applied research Erminia Attaianese, Gabriella Duca 118-127 PDF
Using Technology and Innovative Designs to Build Complex Architectural Envelopes Emily Carr 150-157 PDF
Building envelope innovation: smart facades for non residential buildings Marco Sala, Rosa Romano 158-169 PDF
Technological design – research and practice in the architectural project Maria Chiara Torricelli 16-23 PDF