TECHNE 14 (2017): Architecture and social innovation
Essays and Viewpoint

The Urban Innovative Actions Initiative of the European Union: a Critical Analysis of the Selected Projects

Alessandra Barresi
Dipartimento dArTe, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italia
TECHNE 14 (2017): Architecture and social innovation

Published 2017-11-27


  • innovation,
  • urban areas,
  • urban challenges,
  • urban authorities

How to Cite

Barresi, A. (2017). The Urban Innovative Actions Initiative of the European Union: a Critical Analysis of the Selected Projects. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (14), 97–104.


The Urban Innovative Actions initiative of the European Union supports pilot projects aimed at identifying and testing new solutions related to sustainable urban development. The cities that responded to the call for proposals had the opportunity to experiment with creative ideas, which are not funded by traditional sources, and to turn them into prototypes. The first UIA call was part of the process of definition of the European Urban Agenda. With a view to consolidating collective intelligence, this paper proposes a critical analysis of the 18 projects that won the first UIA Call. The overall objective is to highlight how Urban Authorities interpreted the definition of innovation through the various projects.


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