Vol. 3 No. 5 (2013)
Open Essays and Researches

Reddito e percezione della sua adeguatezza: la relazione è cambiata con la crisi?

Published 2016-10-17


  • Subjective poverty,
  • Objective poverty,
  • Crisis,
  • Uncertainty

How to Cite

Filandri, M., Negri, N., & Parisi, T. (2016). Reddito e percezione della sua adeguatezza: la relazione è cambiata con la crisi?. Cambio. Rivista Sulle Trasformazioni Sociali, 3(5), 183–194. https://doi.org/10.13128/cambio-19296


The current crisis, accompanied by the weakening of the welfare state, could introduce in the relationship between income and the perception of its adequacy a new source of variability, interpretable as a reflection of the increased uncertainty of households. Although so far, at the aggregate level, no changes have been detected in the relationship between objective and subjective indicators, exposure to the risk of poverty covers various segments of the population differently. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the relationship between objective and subjective indicators, almost unchanged, if one considers the population as a whole, has changed only for some groups and not for others. Some types of households, in particular, may be affected more than others by the joint effect of the economic downturn and welfare cuts. In fact, our data show that the strength of the relationship between income and the perception of its adequacy has not changed in the early years of the crisis, even for those traditionally disadvantaged segments of the population.


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