Published 2025-02-14
- Hedges,
- Parametric technique,
- Economic analysis,
- cultural ecosystem services,
- Urban forest
- Florence (Italy) ...More
Copyright (c) 2024 Andrea Dominici, Sandro Sacchelli

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The paper presents a parametric approach to quantify the economic value of hedges in urban green spaces. The model integrates indexes that allow for an aesthetic estimate of green infrastructure. Both field and desk phases are developed to depict and sample hedgerows in a case study in Italy (Cascine Park, Florence). Street view and Google Maps applications are used in the preliminary steps to spatialize hedges. An equation, incorporating nine variables including financial, dendrometric, and correction factors, is developed to appraise economic value. The results highlight the relevance of species, plant height, and the number of hedge rows for the unitary and total value of green infrastructures. Phytosanitary condition, the presence of gaps in linear traits, and the degree of tree canopy coverage also influence the economic performances of hedges. The technique facilitates application for both researchers and practitioners, potentially allowing for damage estimates and calibrated management of urban green in different locations.
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