Aestimum 51 (2007)
Urban, Land, Env.

Valutazioni economico-estimative nella valorizzazione di edifici storico-architettonici

Benedetto Manganelli
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Università degli Studi di Salerno

Published 2007-12-20


The necessary factor for the beginning exploitation process of the historical-architectural building often may be the transfer of real property. When the object of the transfer is not reproducible, to determine the sale’s price we can be assumed that the offer’s negotiation power is monopolistic type. However it is also possible that, putting the building on the market, the supply clashes with an only subject interested in the purchase. This condition can be assimilated to a scheme of bilateral monopoly. This is the frame in which the development of the model of iteration between supply and demand is built for the definition of a probable price. The different characterization of the subjects involved in the transfer (public or private) is conclusive factor of the model.


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