Vol. 17 No. 2 (2017): Teaching to learn reading. Methods and tools

Textual comprehension difficulties. Metacognitive strategies for the educational intervention

Saverio Fontani
Università di Firenze

Published 2017-07-31


  • reading,
  • textual comprehension,
  • metacognition,
  • special education,
  • lettura,
  • comprensione testuale,
  • metacognizione
  • ...More

How to Cite

Fontani, S. (2017). Textual comprehension difficulties. Metacognitive strategies for the educational intervention. Form@re - Open Journal Per La Formazione in Rete, 17(2), 89–100. https://doi.org/10.13128/formare-20506


Textual comprehension difficulties are one of the main factors responsible for failure at school, which presents strong correlations with the Learning Disorders. Their high incidence in the school population imposes the research of effective educational interventions for the answer to educational needs of students with comprehension deficits. In this paper the most effective metacognitive strategies are presented and their implications for the educational intervention are discussed.


Difficoltà di comprensione testuale. Strategie metacognitive per l’intervento educativo

Le difficoltà di comprensione del testo rappresentano uno dei principali fattori responsabili dell’insuccesso scolastico, e presentano forti correlazioni con i Disturbi dell’Apprendimento. La loro elevata diffusione nella popolazione scolastica impone la ricerca di interventi efficaci per rispondere alle esigenze educative degli allievi con deficit di comprensione. In questo articolo sono presentate le strategie metacognitive più efficaci e vengono discusse le loro implicazioni per l’intervento educativo.


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