Vol. 18 No. 1 (2021): n° 1 gennaio-giugno 2021

Come nasce un lettore. Ricordi di lettura e memorie di educazione familiare a partire dal progetto Madeleine in biblioteca

Monica Dati
Università di Firenze

Published 2021-06-19


  • history of reading,
  • Public History,
  • family education,
  • autobiography,
  • family memories

How to Cite

Dati, M. (2021). Come nasce un lettore. Ricordi di lettura e memorie di educazione familiare a partire dal progetto Madeleine in biblioteca. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 18(1), 317–335. https://doi.org/10.36253/rief-10186


The paper is focused on the Madeleine in biblioteca project, which has been realized in cooperation with “Agorà” civic library in Lucca (Italy). It was aimed at recovering reading stories, from childhood to adulthood. The attention is here placed on the earliest memories and the family context, through library users’ oral testimonies, also useful to achieve a dedicated website (www.madeleineinbiblioteca.it), and a specific workshop on secretly reading and family censorship. A path, this one here shown, to reflect on the importance of reading and its history and to involve the public of non-specialists, in the building of the historical narratives according to a Public History methods. 


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