Vol. 20 No. 1 (2022): n° 1 gennaio-giugno 2022
Dossier The Participation of Children and Families

“Re.boot”: interventi di rafforzamento e qualificazione della rete dei servizi socioassistenziali dell’Area Metropolitana di Bologna a supporto di nuclei familiari con minori provenienti da Paesi terzi

Silvia Tarallini
CIDAS Cooperativa Sociale a R.L. Impresa Sociale
Antonella Ciccarelli
CIDAS Cooperativa Sociale a R.L. Impresa Sociale

Published 2022-07-06


  • social services,
  • families,
  • migration,
  • capacity building,
  • multidisciplinary approach

How to Cite

Tarallini, S., & Ciccarelli, A. (2022). “Re.boot”: interventi di rafforzamento e qualificazione della rete dei servizi socioassistenziali dell’Area Metropolitana di Bologna a supporto di nuclei familiari con minori provenienti da Paesi terzi. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 20(1), 101–113. https://doi.org/10.36253/rief-12225


The following paper describes the experience of the “Re.boot – Capacity Building Paths and Actions for Community Well-being” Project, funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (in Italian, FAMI) 2014-2020. This Project aims to qualify and strengthen the system of social welfare services in the Metropolitan Area of Bologna in order to counteract situations of hardship and vulnerability of third-country nationals who belong to families or single parents with dependent minors. Through the description of the project design, the activities carried out and the multidisciplinary work teams, we will try to detail the actions to strengthen networking and support parenting. The operational presentation of two paths of taking charge will allow us to highlight the growing risk of marginalisation of foreign families residing in Italy, due to a dramatic disparity of access to the economic, social and cultural resources necessary for the development of their children.