Vol. 20 No. 1 (2022): n° 1 gennaio-giugno 2022
Dossier The Participation of Children and Families

Tra Child Guarantee e “Patti educativi di comunità”. La rilevanza di approcci inclusivi basati su pratiche territoriali di contrasto alla povertà educativa minorile

Cristiana Porcarelli

Published 2022-07-06


  • European Child Guarantee,
  • Child educational poverty,
  • Community agreements for education,
  • fight against poverty,
  • inclusive approaches

How to Cite

Scialdone, A., Marucci, M., & Porcarelli, C. (2022). Tra Child Guarantee e “Patti educativi di comunità”. La rilevanza di approcci inclusivi basati su pratiche territoriali di contrasto alla povertà educativa minorile. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 20(1), 87–100. https://doi.org/10.36253/rief-12252


This paper follows the recent EU Council Recommendation no. 1004 dated 14th June 2021) concerning the European Child Guarantee and investigates some aspects of child educational poverty. The pilot phase of implementation of the Child Guarantee in Italy is described through different levels of research and intervention models relating to specific paths such as the relaunch of family custody, social housing, and development of skills for the transition from school to work, contrast to educational poverty and support for families. The fight against child educational poverty requires the involvement of all levels of governance, public/private partnerships as well as a particular focus on territory. In this perspective, the “Community agreements for education” are an example of good practice characterized by a co-planning approach and the enhancement of the territorial dimension. Child Guarantee and Community agreements for education could become indispensable tools for the feasibility of policies aimed at tackling the phenomenon of child educational poverty.