n° 2 luglio-dicembre 2013

Le storie dei nonni e delle nonne

Published 2014-03-21

How to Cite

Bottigli, L. (2014). Le storie dei nonni e delle nonne. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 8(2), 79–85. https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-14204


That one of the family education programmes is dedicated to grandfathers and grandmothers is the result of the needs expressed both by the parents taking part in the parents’ meetings and by the grandparents themselves, who, as we met them taking and picking up their grandchildren from the nursery and infant school every day, asked for a more structured opportunity to express and exchange their views. For both – parents/children and grandparents/parents – it appears necessary to define the new balances in the network of family bonds, in which the birth of a child can (re)activate more or less hidden dynamics of conflict.