La formazione universitaria alla competenza relazionale e comunicativa dell’educatore socio-pedagogico. Evidenze e riflessioni da un’analisi documentale nel Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell’educazione e della formazione dell’Università di Padova
Published 2020-12-24
- university teaching and learning,
- educator,
- relational and communicative competence,TECO-D/L-19 National Project,
- educator’s professional identity
How to Cite
The paper focuses on relational and communication skills, as key competences of the academic career for educators. It reports a research carried out within the L-19 Junior Degree at the University of Padua, using the core contents identified by the National Project TECO-D/L-19, with a focus on “relational and situational dynamics in different educational and training contexts” competence. The aim of the analysis was to explore the development of the educator’s relational and communicative skills in institutional teaching documents (SUA Form, syllabi, and internship documents), highlighting strengths and areas of improvement, in order to identify further possibilities to promote this competence.