Published 2024-06-10
- Norm,
- Flexibility,
- Transformative project,
- Institutional sustainability
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Copyright (c) 2024 Elisabetta Ginelli, Laura Daglio, Franco Zinna

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Design is nowadays facing a system of rules that has over time responded to the growing complexity of construction with a regulatory proliferation that acts precautionarily against infringements and the condition of “anomie”. This paper outlines new interpretative models of the relationship between rules and design that, overcoming this impasse, guarantee quality, flexibility, experimentation and innovation. Based on the illustration of the regulatory tasks positioned between obligation and guideline, and between duty and opportunity, keywords are highlighted to illuminate its peculiar aspects, demonstrating how the necessary paradigm shift is already inherent in its own conception. Finally, starting from a recent French case study, the essay summarises experimental approaches and strategies that pursue a possible innovation in national regulatory models.
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