TECHNE 5 (2013): Environment emergency
Essays and Viewpoint

Responsiveness, adaptability, transformability: the new quality requirements of the built environment

TECHNE 5 (2013): Environment emergency

Published 2013-05-13


  • Built environment,
  • Resilience,
  • Technological-environmental design,
  • Quality requirements

How to Cite

Angelucci, F., Di Sivo, M., & Ladiana, D. (2013). Responsiveness, adaptability, transformability: the new quality requirements of the built environment. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (5), 53–59.


In light of the recently emerged situation of resource shortage, a reasonably 'sustainable' recovery process and qualification of the built environment can be realized at various scales and levels of intervention, only through returning to the project’s inter-systemic and performance based concept.
In this sense, a significant contribution can be made by the technological planning field, from defining the resilience of a complex socio-ecological system, interpreted as «dynamic capacity of adaptation and reorganization as a result of a change», through interpreting the attitudes of responsiveness, adaptability and transformability as necessary requirements to be able to achieve the integrated quality of settlement systems.


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