Monographic Section
Published 2021-04-11
- Group Charisma,
- Covid-19,
- Pandemic and Expert Knowledge,
- Max Weber and Norbert Elias
How to Cite
Giovannini, P. . (2021). Al tempo del coronavirus. Dalla specializzazione scientifica al potere carismatico di gruppo. Cambio. Rivista Sulle Trasformazioni Sociali, 10(20), 21–27.
The article examines the management of the current pandemic crisis, focusing on the specific form taken by the relationship between political power and expert knowledge in their mutual interdependence. This relationship is read through the lens of the Weberianconcept of charisma and, mores pecifically – arguing for a common ground between Weber’s and Norbert Elias’ thinking on this issue - of group charisma. This concept proves to be a key analytical tool for understanding the current balances of power and their possible developments.