Quaderni dell'Osservatorio elettorale (QOE) – Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES) - is an international scientific journal dedicated to all different dimensions of elections and voting. Founded in 1977 by Mario Caciagli (University of Florence), QOE-IJES is a reference for electoral studies in Italy. Almost half a century later, QOE-IJES is now the official journal of the Italian Society for Electoral Studies (SISE), thanks to an agreement between SISE and the Regione Toscana. The Journal aims at continuing publishing high-quality original papers from both Italian and international scholars, with the aim to further becoming a major outlet of elections and voting, public opinion, political behavior, and party studies in Italy and beyond.
November 2023: QOE - IJES has been accepted for Scopus indexing, underscoring its academic excellence and international relevance. The Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) conducted a thorough review of QOE - IJES journal and recognised several key strengths: a) Consistent publication of academically sound and relevant articles for an international academic and professional audience; b) Alignment of journal content with the journal's scope and aims; c) Addressing a subject area that is not adequately covered by existing journals.
Class A journals: QOE-IJES has been officially classified as "Classe A" (the highest rating) in two key fields within Area 14 (Political and Social Sciences): "Scienza Politica" (14/A2) and "Sociologia dei fenomeni politici e giuridici" (14/C3). This recognition, granted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and its evaluation agency, ANVUR, underscores the journal’s high scientific impact and credibility across multiple disciplines.
ISSN 2724-4679 (ONLINE) ISSN 0392-6753 (PRINT)
Editors in Chief
Paolo Bellucci, University of Siena, Italy
Silvia Bolgherini, University of Perugia, Italy
Paolo Bellucci, University of Siena, Italy
Silvia Bolgherini, University of Perugia, Italy
QOE-IJES is indexed in:

QOE-IJES is now making articles available online after the acceptance.
Ultimo numeroVol 87, N 2 (2024)
Pubblicato febbraio 3, 2025
Descrizione del fascicolo
The new issue of QOE-IJES begins with an editorial note by Carlo Baccetti and Silvia Bolgherini written to remember Mario Caciagli, founder of the “Quaderni”, who passed away on May 17, 2024. The title of the article, “The most original and lasting invention of Mario Caciagli” perfectly summarizes the importance of that intuition of a few decades ago.
Then, the issue explores the interplay between political actors and structures, examining various dimensions of electoral behavior and political dynamics. The overarching theme is the relationship between individual agency and structural constraints in shaping political outcomes, particularly in the context of the 2022 Italian general elections.
The first article, “Actors and structures in politics” by Stefano Bar... Più