Vol. 21 No. 2 (2022): n° 2 luglio-dicembre 2022

Recuperare il ‘materno’ nella dimensione di cura autentica: una proposta pedagogica contro il radicalismo violento giovanile

Angela Muschitiello
Università di Bari

Published 2022-12-21


  • Authentic care,
  • human bond,
  • reciprocity,
  • education,
  • relational ethics

How to Cite

Muschitiello, A. (2022). Recuperare il ‘materno’ nella dimensione di cura autentica: una proposta pedagogica contro il radicalismo violento giovanile. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 21(2), 85–98. https://doi.org/10.36253/rief-10541


In the current era in which capitalism and functionalism have weakened human ties and deconstructed society, boys and girls live in a condition of worrying passive nihilism that is leading to the spread of increasingly alarming phenomena of violent radicalization. In this perspective, this contribution intends to reflect on the need to recover ‘the maternal dimension’ in the parent-child relationship. A dimension that symbolically represents ‘authentic human care’, pedagogically understood as an essential quality of the human condition (Iori, 2007) which in its essence responds to an ontological and vital need: that of continuing to be; to an ethical necessity: that of being there with meaning; and to a therapeutic need: that of repairing being there (Mortari, 2015). A cure to be revalued, today, to cope with the human ‘un-bond’ that characterizes the social ‘description’.


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