n° 2 luglio-dicembre 2014

La famiglia nei libri per i bambini. Rappresentazioni familiari e stili genitoriali negli albi illustrati

Published 2015-02-04

How to Cite

Freschi, E. (2015). La famiglia nei libri per i bambini. Rappresentazioni familiari e stili genitoriali negli albi illustrati. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 9(2), 89–106. https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-15448


In our post-modern society, many different types of families occurthat are dynamic, interactive, and constantly changing: today, the familyhas become more complex, but it also showed itself to be greatly flexible and capable to adapt itself. The bond that bounds parents to childrenis unique: in order to stay strong, it therefore needs relationships based on communication, empathic listening, respect and cooperation. This essay focuses upon the educational value of reading and upon the communicative role played by preschool children’s books. Children’s literature seems to be a valid way to activate communication and reciprocal exchange processes between parents and children, also about the pretty awkward – but at the same time, vivid – topic of family: picturebooks can accompany their youngest – and also adult – readers in the transformation process impacting on today’s families as social institutions. Picturebooks represent this delicate issue without criticizing the different types of family nucleus; on the contrary, theyindicatethis pluralityof family forms just so as to focus on the educational meaning and relevance that these representations have for children.


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