Studi Slavistici XI • 2014
Materiali e discussioni

Riflessioni per una storia culturale della Slavia latina. A proposito del volume di Nikolaos H. Trunte, <em>Slavia Latina. Eine Einführung in die Geschichte der slavischen Sprachen und Kulturen Ostmitteleuropas</em>, Otto Sagner, München-Berlin 2012 (= “Slavistisc

Published 2015-01-23

How to Cite

Garzaniti, M. (2015). Riflessioni per una storia culturale della Slavia latina. A proposito del volume di Nikolaos H. Trunte, <em>Slavia Latina. Eine Einführung in die Geschichte der slavischen Sprachen und Kulturen Ostmitteleuropas</em>, Otto Sagner, München-Berlin 2012 (= “Slavistisc. Studi Slavistici, 11(1), 183–196.


The author considers the extensive study of N. Trunte on the history of languages and cultures developed over centuries in the so called Slavia Latina (2012), identifying a series of issues still debated and taking up some keys to interpreting the cultural history of the Slavic world already present in his own previous works.