Studi Slavistici XIII • 2016

Le funzioni delle citazioni bibliche nello <em>Slovo na verbnoe voskresen’e</em> di Kirill Turovskij

Francesca Romoli
University of Pisa

Published 2017-03-18

How to Cite

Romoli, F. (2017). Le funzioni delle citazioni bibliche nello <em>Slovo na verbnoe voskresen’e</em> di Kirill Turovskij. Studi Slavistici, 13(1), 31–42.


In this article the author investigates how biblical quotations function within the Slovo na verbnoe voskresen’e (Sermon for Palm Sunday) by Kirill Turovskij (1130-1182). If compared with the sermons of bishop Luka Židjata († 1059), metropolitan Nikifor I († 1121), hegumen Moisej († 1187) and bishop Serapion Vladimirskij († 1275), which she had analysed previously, the Slovo looks some-what different. In particular, it shares with these writings the hermeneutical and pragmatic functions of biblical quotations, but differs from them by reason of the liturgical function the same quo-tations serve. Biblical quotations in the text not only refer to the liturgical occasion of the sermon’s declamation, but also, and primarily, advance the chiefly exegetical aim pursued by the preacher. This particular aim recalls in turn the Patristic exegetical model, thus defining the specificity of the Slovo against the sermons of the authors mentioned above. In this way the Slovo seemingly offers a clue to the existence within medieval East Slavic preaching of a practical division between exegetical and instructional sermons that recalls both the Byzantine division between exegetical and festal homilies and the Western one between homily and sermon.


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