No. 26 (2023): Transizione Energetica
Essays and Viewpoint

Technological design for the environmental transition of the city. Opportunities for innovation

Lidia Errante
Dipartimento di Patrimonio Architettura e Urbanistica, Università degli Studi “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria
Alberto De Capua
Dipartimento di Architettura e Territorio, Università degli Studi “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria

Published 2023-10-31


  • Technological design,
  • Energy transition,
  • Urban sustainability,
  • Urban design,
  • Innovation

How to Cite

Errante, L., & De Capua, A. (2023). Technological design for the environmental transition of the city. Opportunities for innovation. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (26), 78–85.


In the contemporary context of the polycrisis, ways and criteria for sustainable urban transformation are discussed that shift the needle of ecological transition from building to city, towards energy self-sufficiency and social self-determination. Alternative forms of management, containment and production of clean and accessible energy from renewable sources are explored that have feedback in terms of process, design and social innovation. The paper aims to highlight the active and adaptive dimensions of technological design in its ability to support and promote behaviour favouring sustainable environmental transition.


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