Published 2024-10-29
- Differentiated integration,
- Boundary,
- Open Work,
- Meta-Design,
- Interdisciplinarity
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Copyright (c) 2024 Filippo Angelucci, Armen Shatvoryan, Andrea Di Cinzio

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In post-Soviet non-European cities, the opposition between the negation of signs of the past and the exaltation of new national identities often generates a dichotomy in the value production of public works. It oscillates between the Euro-Western models of intensive building that privatise the public dimension and the re-propositions of pre-modern public space typologies. Conversely, research in Yerevan, Armenia, reveals a possible third way oscillating between mending and innovation public works. Through a process of differentiated integration to build, stabilise, and reconstruct variable contextual relationships, the building/open-space system takes on value as a boundary organism, becoming an artefact that co-evolves with social and environmental changes.
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