TECHNE 7 (2014): Architectural technologies research and development
Research and Experimentation

Active façade component integrated into the building: from the study to the innovative prototype

TECHNE 7 (2014): Architectural technologies research and development

Published 2014-05-21


  • Technological innovation,
  • Adaptive envelope

How to Cite

Levra Levron, A., Manni, V., Peretti, G., & Thiebat, F. (2014). Active façade component integrated into the building: from the study to the innovative prototype. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (7), 204–209.


The article shows the results of a research that has been conducted within the project: “Energyskin: active building façades”. The project has been financed by the Piedmont Region and ESF (European Social Fund), among different industrial and academic partners with the aim to develop, monitor and optimize an adaptive dynamic innovative envelope component, that integrates the heat pump and the solar thermal system technology, by using the envelope as source/well for collecting heat. The research starts with the idea to integrate academic expertise with industrial realities, in order to start together the process that leads to the innovation and overcome the barriers of individual specializations. Those competences, under current practice, characterize both the functional specific models of companies on the one hand and the academic areas of expertise on the other hand.
