TECHNE 12 (2016): Architecture Memory Contemporaneity
Research and Experimentation

Architectures for health: between historical contexts and suburban areas. Tool to support location strategies

Stefano Capolongo
Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria delle costruzioni e Ambiente costruito (ABC), Politecnico di Milano, Italia
TECHNE 12 (2016): Architecture Memory Contemporaneity

Published 2016-11-28


  • Health,
  • Location strategies,
  • Decision-making process

How to Cite

Dell’Ovo, M., & Capolongo, S. (2016). Architectures for health: between historical contexts and suburban areas. Tool to support location strategies. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (12), 269–276.


The rapid obsolescence of healthcare facilities and the lack of suitable areas to host these services in urban contexts, are forcing their locations outside cities and historical centres. The complexity and variety of crucial aspects, involved in the smooth functioning of healthcare facilities, require, in the longterm, planning decisions supported by appropriate evaluation tools. Starting from the investigation of hospital location trends in Europe and Italy, the analysis of European case studies and a deep systematic review of the literature, the paper aims to define a set of criteria focused on the design of location strategies for new healthcare facilities.


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