Vol. 20 No. 2 (2022): Co-evolution
Thematical section (Current series)

Architecture of reconciliation. Co-evolutionary processes between communities and inner territories

Francesco Airoldi
MSc in Architecture and Urban Design, Politecnico di Milano
Giulia Azzini
MSc in Architecture and Urban Design, Politecnico di Milano

Published 2023-02-23


  • reconstitution,
  • fragilities,
  • peripheries,
  • marginality,
  • territories

How to Cite

Airoldi, F., & Azzini, G. (2023). Architecture of reconciliation. Co-evolutionary processes between communities and inner territories . Ri-Vista. Research for Landscape Architecture, 20(2), 218–231. https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-13327


The proposed contribution imagines architecture as a means for the development of marginal territories affected by fragilities, bringing the theme of co-evolution back to the complex and still strongly discussed one of reconciliation between communities and territories.
Removing cultural and social barriers to generate an empathetic vision of the environmental transformations taking place, through an investigation of the possibilities offered by architectural and landscape design by paying special attention to new research horizons of environmental sustainability, it is possible to generate cohabitation processes sensitive to the issues of co-evolution and co-existence between nature and humans.
The aim is to identify sustainable and effective design strategies to bridge the gap between in- habitants and territory, to trigger virtuous dynamics of demographic, productive and social revitalization in those places characterized by territorial fragilities related to depopulation.