
Natures. Myths. Design
Edited by Gianni Celestini, Annalisa Metta, Emma Salizzoni

Call for Papers

Leonardo da Vinci, A tempest, c. 1513-18, detail (© Royal Collection)

The word myth has, among others, the meanings of a story capable of explaining natural phenomena, and in fact we humans have always relied on myths to express our relationship with what we call nature. Therefore, myths can be useful in understanding or even guiding landscape design. In modern Europe culture, at least from the seventeenth century until the more recent fascination with wilderness, thinking about nature often insists on the search for its primordial state: the ‘myth of origin’ has indeed conditioned research for centuries, on a par with the ‘myth of authenticity’ or the ‘myth of redemption’ that led Henry Thoureau to say: “In Wilderness is the Preservation of the World”; although different, these myths reclaim the idea of separation and hierarchy between nature and humanity... Read More...

The call is open until May 31st 2025

Visit our CALL FOR PAPERS SECTION page or download the PDF (ita/eng)

Ri-Vista is an open access, peer-reviewed six-monthly scientific journal in electronic format, ranked in “Class A” by ANVUR - Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes. Founded in 2003, the second series was launched in 2015, when Ri-Vista became part of the scientific journals of the University of Florence. The journal does not ask any charges neither from authors nor readers and operates through international calls for papers and double-blind peer review.
Ri-Vista deals with the multiple dimensions of landscape planning and design, seen from a rich variety of disciplines, in a scientific and open perspective which is distinctive of landscape architecture. Each issue aims at gathering knowledge and visions around specific topics, promoting innovative and responsible actions for creation, protection, restoration and management of landscapes.


Emanuela Morelli, Università di Firenze, Italy
issn: 1724-6768 
Ri-Vista is indexed in:

Current IssueVol 22, No 1 (2024): New Ecologies / New Meanings

Published October 29, 2024


Table of Contents

Editorial (Current series)

Nuove ecologie / Nuovi significati
Roberto Pasini, Maarit Ströbele, Cristina Imbroglini
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-16631

Nuove ecologie urbane / New Urban Ecologies

Strategie di coesistenza
Bianca Maria Rinaldi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15758
Il progetto di paesaggio come teatro di coesistenza tra specie. Parc Martin-Luther-King a Parigi
Manuela Ronci
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15600
Restoration Project for a Degraded Urban Ecosystem in Gölbaşı Flats, Ankara. A Precarious Equilibrium
Antoine Dolcerocca, Deniz Başoğlu Acet, Meryem Beklioğlu, Jacques-Aristide Perrin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15622
Patches, Corridors, Matrix, Webs and Clouds. Expanding Richard TT Forman’s Land Mosaic Approach in the Medina of Tunis
Gareth Doherty, Areti Kotsoni
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-16086

Nuovi significati silvestri / New Sylvan Meanings

Slow Restoration, Rewilding, and Design
Laura J. Martin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15801
Towards the regeneration of mountain tourism territories. Insights from the Alta Valtellina Region
Francesca Mazza
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15666
‘Liquid’ equilibria. New semantics for public spaces in the Apennines
Giulia Azzini
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15611
Coesistenze produttive. Abitare il paesaggio della Foresta di Petén in Guatemala
Maria Chiara Libreri
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15638
Building Roads to Take the Land. Urban Amazonia and the Case of San Julian
Felipe Correa
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15774

Lungo corsi d’acqua: esperienze, proposte, visioni / Along Water Courses: Experiences, Proposals, Visions

In bilico tra terra e acqua. Visioni e rotte di collisione su un tratto di fiume Po
Federico Di Cosmo, Giulia Cazzaniga, Andrea Foppiani, Davide Montanari
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15626
Water Architectures in the Alto Guadiana River
Ana Isabel Santolaria Castellanos, Jaime Ramos Alderete
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15625
Bordi periurbani e sincronicità nel paesaggio. Un progetto di ri-significazione per il Vallone San Rocco nel Parco delle Colline di Napoli
Adriana Bernieri, Simone Castaldi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15633
Il palmeto di AlDiriyah come esempio di vivibilità nei paesaggi delle aree desertiche
Giulia Annalinda Neglia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-15749

News (Current series)

GRAB ROMA. Un progetto per il paesaggio urbano di Roma e per un nuovo modo di abitare.
Emanuela Morelli
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-16479
Suolo come paesaggio. L’eredità delle Giornate internazionali di studio sul paesaggio 2020
Elena Antoniolli
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-16330
Le geometrie del selvatico
Bianca Maria Rinaldi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-16268
Vènti di Ri-Vista. Vent’anni di ricerca per il progetto di paesaggio
Carmen Angelillo, Danilo Palazzo, Carlo Peraboni, Maikol Rossi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-16308
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