Vol. 20 No. 2 (2022): Co-evolution
Thematical section (Current series)

Reciprocity and design for an era of compressed temporal and spatial scales

Kristina Hill
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, University of California, Berkeley

Published 2023-02-23


  • Humanness,
  • climate adaptation,
  • reciprocity,
  • human-animal hybrids

How to Cite

Hill, K. (2023). Reciprocity and design for an era of compressed temporal and spatial scales. Ri-Vista. Research for Landscape Architecture, 20(2), 36–47. https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-14002


Haraway and others have suggested reciprocity with the non-human world is a pathway to un- derstanding our humanness. Two urgent trends accelerate our need for this reciprocity: the first is the COVID-19 pandemic as a harbinger of future pandemics, and the second is our changing planetary climate. Our present time is increasingly becoming a “present-future,” linked irreversibly by scientific models to specific future states of our planet and local regions. At the same time our bodies are co-evolving with a virus in a global reciprocal process with no end in sight, collapsing our sense of scale and separation among bodies. A long view of time in the past could act as a counterbalance to this experience. Bringing the longue durée model of time into our present requires reestablishing our knowledge of a long-term past in which humans adapted to major changes in climate earlier in the Holocene. Forms of future urban adaptation can embody reci- procity by emphasizing strategies that anticipate change rather than seeking to prevent it, leap- ing forward in time to embrace global changes we are no longer able to prevent.