Vol. 21 No. 2 (2023): Terrae incognitae
La nuova estetica delle comunità vegetali

La poetica della spontaneità. Progettare con le piante nuovi spazi mutevoli

Adriana GHERSI
Dip. DAD- Università di Genova

Published 2024-05-27


  • Spontanea Mutevolezza,
  • Arbusti ed erbacee,
  • Comunità Urbane Resilienti,
  • Progetto di Paesaggio,
  • Spontaneous Changeability,
  • Shrubs and Herbaceous Plants,
  • Landscape design,
  • Urban Resilient Communities
  • ...More

How to Cite

GHERSI, A., & MANFREDI, F. (2024). La poetica della spontaneità. Progettare con le piante nuovi spazi mutevoli. Ri-Vista. Research for Landscape Architecture, 21(2), 126–137. https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-14893


Changing climatic and environmental conditions induce a gradual change in the habits and behaviour of plant communities; plants migrate, aggregate and reorganize with consciousness and foresight to regain the conditions of survival. Similarly, landscape design changes and evolves in form and purpose, advocating new and unusual forms of urban spaces that attempt to combine aesthetic and ecological values. Sometimes taming spontaneity, at other times recreating it, the project proposes new and unprecedented habitats and conveys important cultural values: plants are entrusted with the task of narrating the contents most closely related to life and change.