Vol. 8 No. 1 (2010)
la pianificazione paesaggistica delle Regioni (First series)

Verso un nuovo paesaggio per il Veneto. Concezioni e idee in transizione

Published 2015-11-03


  • Veneto,
  • Regional planning,
  • Landscape planning

How to Cite

Tettamanzi, G. (2015). Verso un nuovo paesaggio per il Veneto. Concezioni e idee in transizione. Ri-Vista. Research for Landscape Architecture, 8(1), 27–39. https://doi.org/10.13128/RV-17309


Landscape attention in regional planning in Veneto Follows the concept evolution. The first regional planning law and the first Regional Plan gave special attention, with important instruments called “Piani d’Area”, to natural sites and area. So today the Veneto region has many important Natural parks. The new law and the new PTRC grew at the same time with the Codice Urbani, that take in the European Landscape Convention. So their principal aim is keep landscape in the centre of urban planning, trying to give concrete instruments to understand landscape structural elements, and to promote relations between different level of planning.