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Prospettiva e rifugio nella pandemia, ovvero il paesaggio visto come uccelli.

Fabio Di Carlo, Sapienza Università di Roma, DiAP, Dipartimento di Architettura e progetto

Accepted: 2020-06 | Published Online: 2020-06| DOI: 10.36253/rv-10323


If every design activity presupposes a framework of reference -stable or of forecast and vision- in which to inscribe every prefiguration, the state of knowledge and mutations on the post-pandemic future is not clear, nor are the needs and processes useful to face them. Even with respect to the role of the landscape architecture it is possible to organize only partial and transitory responses, which are perhaps more awareness than figurations, or which may be part of a reasoning that poses new and different elements of orientation. Convinced that this phase cannot be dealt with either with consolidated instruments, or with a unitary process, this paper is deliberately fragmentary. It is almost an unordered collection of reflections on some aspects that relate the work on the landscape project to the current condition. Here landscape and garden are seen as conditions of perspective and refuge, according to Jay Appleton’s theory on landscape experience, which is useful for us as a reference.

Cities after COVID-19: how trees and green infrastructures can help shaping a sustainable future

Francesco Ferrini, Antonella Gori, University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry

Accepted: 2020-05 | Published Online: 2020-05-13 | DOI: 10.13128/rv-8553


There is no doubt that metropolitan areas are, and will increasingly be, the engines of economic growth and fertile grounds for the development of technology, creativity and innovation and this will need a shift in the future cities planning and management especially regarding the increase in green areas. This must be done through a regeneration process that can only refer to the 17 objectives of sustainable development (UN, 2019) that are frequently neglected in regeneration programs and this is likely to result in unsustainable urban renewal in many cities. Three main challenges for sustainable urban regeneration can be identified: - environmental (climate change, carbon emissions and use of resources), - social (inequality, cohesion and health), - institutional (governance).

We need to promote the start of a real "green revolution", a revolution that, through the increase in plant cover, will make our cities a better place, doing it with an inclusive approach. The "green" city cannot therefore remain only a set of abstract, portable, stereotyped ideas because it must be the place that will constitute the territory of activity of our life.

Segregazione. Roma ai tempi della pandemia

Franco Zagari, Architettura e paesaggio, Rome

Accepted: 2020-05 | Published Online: 2020-05-13 | DOI: 10.13128/rv-8474


At the beginning of the first restrictions imposed by coronavirus, on March 13th Franco Zagari published on Facebook a first reflection on the psychophysical condition modified by the cloister, especially on the skin and through the senses. Almost like in a fantasy story, the place of the forced domicile turns into a sort of submarine, well isolated but where a singular adaptability between container and guests is established: the house capable of adapting to people's breath, but at the same time of opening to the breath of a city’s that appears unknown, even if too familiar.

Asked to accept these reflections in this extraordinary issue of RI-VISTA, and to extend this thinking towards the public space, Zagari reverses and radicalises the reasoning. As the nearly inventor of this phrase, he seems to reject it to project his gaze beyond, as usual, to compose a horizon of future objects of the project, in which he brings to synthesis many extremely current and sensitive themes, to redesign a country that is reborn with exante care, done through all the forms of the project. (Fabio Di Carlo).

Altri, altrove, altrimenti

Annalisa Metta, Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Architettura

Accepted: 2020-07 | Published Online: 2020-07-23 | DOI: 10.13128/rv-9026


Once the most intense and dramatic phase of the Coronavirus infection is over, observing some of its effects on urban open spaces could be useful for the progress of design, even beyond the emergency. Above all, two central questions arise. The first: once the absence of humans from public space has revealed the presence of other living beings, both plants and animals, it may now be possible and even desirable to establish renewed conditions of coexistence with them, according with the most advanced positions of contemporary thought on the need to overcome the oppositional dualism between nature and nurture, nature and the city. The second question is about where and how the attractive, central and socially cohesive spaces of the near future will be, once that, having been deprived of traditional public spaces, we have experienced the silent quality of many areas of urban amnesia, outside the orthodoxy of the usual codes of behavior and therefore willing to accept inventive uses, practices, and rituals.

Il paesaggio del turismo oltre il COVID-19: prospettive per una Firenze resiliente

Elena Tarsi, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra, elenatarsi@ces.uc.pt

Massimo Carta, DIDA, Università di Firenze, massimo.carta@unifi.it

Received 2020-09 | Accepted: 2020-11 | Published Online: 2020-11-9 |DOI: 10.13128/rv-9742


Le misure anti-contagio legate all’emergenza sanitaria da COVID-19 decise da molti governi nazionali, hanno avuto un impatto devastante sull’industria del turismo, mettendo in luce con estrema chiarezza la fragilità di un sistema che, pur producendo enormi profitti, trasforma profondamente i luoghi interessati, la percezione che ne hanno abitanti e visitatori e la loro capacità di resilienza. Il contributo riflette sul caso di Firenze e sulla progressiva specializzazione turistica del suo centro storico, presentando un bilancio delle politiche adottate fino ad oggi e avanzando alcune prospettive per una rinnovata strategia che vada oltre il post-COVID-19. L’inedito paesaggio di un centro deserto, sperimentato alla fine del lockdown, è lo specchio di un vuoto di senso, di una cesura nella relazione tra tessuti urbani e corpo sociale della città, determinatosi negli anni della specializzazione verso un turismo di massa. La strategia proposta è quella di investire in un sistema più resiliente che abbia nella rinnovata residenzialità un fattore di riequilibrio e nella rinforzata relazione tra città metropolitana e centro storico una leva di azione per una nuova mixité funzionale, economica e sociale.