Aestimum 70 (2017)
Original Articles - Appraisal and rural economics

Dal turismo lineare al turismo circolare

Luigi Fusco Girard
Interdepartmental Research Centre in Urban Planning “Alberto Calza Bini”, University of Naples “Federico II”. International Scientific Committee on Economics of Conservation - Italy (ISCEC) of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).
Francesca Nocca
Interdepartmental Research Centre in Urban Planning “Alberto Calza Bini”, University of Naples “Federico II”. International Scientific Committee on Economics of Conservation - Italy (ISCEC) of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).

Published 2017-08-21


Tourism is the third largest socio-economic activity in the EU and thus it can be considered an engine for development, producing many positive impacts, from trade sector to employment. At the same time, it can produce many negative impacts because it is configured according to the model of linear economy. 
A deep analysis of impacts produced by tourism sector and its great potential in contributing to the achievement of SDGs are presented. 
The aim of this paper is to identify a tourism development/management model able to produce multidimensional benefits and, simultaneously, reduce (environmental, social and economic) costs. In this perspective, the circular economy is proposed as a model able to contribute to make tourism more sustainable. This model necessarily requires appropriate evaluation tools, indicators and knowledge.


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