Vol. 19 No. 2 (2019): Adult Education Perspectives in a Changing World: from the Learning to the Job Competences

Education for transformation of subjects and working contexts. The institutional learning of Regional Governments as an example

Francesca Torlone
Università degli Studi di Siena

Published 2019-07-30


  • emancipatory learning,
  • learning valencies,
  • control,
  • trasformation,
  • historical collective subject,
  • educazione emancipativa,
  • valenze educative,
  • controllo,
  • trasformazione
  • ...More

How to Cite

Torlone, F. (2019). Education for transformation of subjects and working contexts. The institutional learning of Regional Governments as an example. Form@re - Open Journal Per La Formazione in Rete, 19(2), 88–104. https://doi.org/10.13128/formare-25651


Most of our researches have been guided by the emancipatory transformative learning approach. They have been carried out in the field of institutional and organizational learning. Transformative learning is referred to not only the individual dimension but also to the collective one as it refers to The Public (Dewey, 1927), to the historical collective subject investigated in the adult learning tradition at the Florence academicians. The Public is the only one that can “perceive social, political, and economic contradictions, and to take action against the oppressive elements of reality” (Freire, 1971, p. 19). Reflexive ability allows the collective subject that is organised to manage learning actions in order to transform contexts and communities. This paper comes back through most of the researchers we have been conducted on an international level in order to frame them within some pedagogical constructs that allow institutional learning processes among regional Governments to be analysed and investigated. The challenge relates to how to train the historical collective subject as to let it exercise transformative social functions and control any process of being passive and inactive.

L’educazione per il cambiamento e la trasformazione di soggetti e contesti lavorativi. Il caso dei processi di institutional learning dei Governi regionali

L’approccio emancipatorio del transformative learning è quello che ha fondato gran parte dei nostri studi condotti negli ultimi dieci anni in campo organizzativo ed istituzionale. La specificità riguarda la dimensione trasformativa riferita non solo all’individuo ma anche al Pubblico (Dewey, 1927), al soggetto storico collettivo della tradizione fiorentina dell’educazione degli adulti, in grado di “perceive social, political, and economic contradictions, and to take action against the oppressive elements of reality” (Freire, 1971, p. 19). La capacità riflessiva è coniugata con il potere del soggetto collettivo organizzato di gestire azioni educative per trasformare contesti e comunità. Il contributo ripercorre le ricerche internazionali condotte inquadrandole all’interno di alcuni costrutti pedagogici con cui vengono analizzati i processi di apprendimento istituzionale a livello di governo regionale. La sfida per la ricerca educativa è la formazione del soggetto collettivo in grado di esercitare funzioni trasformative sociali e controllare i processi di passivizzazione.



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