Vol. 21 No. 2 (2023): Terrae incognitae
La biodiversità cosmopolita che attraversa la terra

Un volto che non ci somiglia. Piante e alterità nel progetto di paesaggio

Stefano Melli
DAD - Università di Genova

Published 2024-05-27


  • alterità della natura,
  • ritualità,
  • simbolismo,
  • relazione umano-natura,
  • paesaggio contemporaneo

How to Cite

Melli, S. (2024). Un volto che non ci somiglia. Piante e alterità nel progetto di paesaggio. Ri-Vista. Research for Landscape Architecture, 21(2), 196–207. https://doi.org/10.36253/rv-14908


We attribute to plants roles and capabilities from which we take inspiration to improve various aspects of the human condition, especially in landscape design. At the same time, we consider the plant world a distant, wild, sometimes frightening ‘elsewhere’. This dual sentiment underlies the belief that a marked divide exists between plants and people, nature and humans. It is a separation that many feel limits our understanding of the system of which we are a part. Through the investigation of unusual cultural experiences, such as that of pre-Aristotelian Greece or pre-Westernised Japan, during which plants had a different recognisability, contemporary landscape architecture can draw stimuli and suggestions to orient cultural imaginaries that can reabsorb the distance.