n°1 gennaio-giugno 2011

Coppie in attesa. Il ruolo dell’ecografia ostetrica nel processo di transizione alla genitorialità

Published 2011-11-16

How to Cite

Cadei, L., & Simeone, D. (2011). Coppie in attesa. Il ruolo dell’ecografia ostetrica nel processo di transizione alla genitorialità. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 6(1), 37–45. https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-10214


The present article sets out to explore, from a pedagogic point of view, the role of ultrasonography in the transition into parenthood. This diagnostic tool has had an unprecedented positive impact on the experience of expecting a baby, not only because it allows a medical monitoring of the foetus’ health, but also because it contributes to the formation of parent identity. Thanks to modern diagnostic techniques, it is possible to obtain precious information on the development of the foetus, which is known to possess specific sensory capabilities and psychological competence, allowing him/her to receive stimuli, process them and respond to them. The mental representations and affective processes generated by ultrasonography offer new perspectives on how to assist the transition into parenthood. At present, whether these tools facilitate or hinder the process is not known. But it is believed that they have a great potential to create new interactional dynamics, which require thoughtful approaches (i.e. pedagogic understanding), so that they can become fertile ground for constructive and responsible attitudes in new mothers and fathers.


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