n° 2 luglio-dicembre 2013

La nonnità in una prospettiva di genere maschile

Published 2014-03-21

How to Cite

Stramaglia, M. (2014). La nonnità in una prospettiva di genere maschile. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 8(2), 35–52. https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-14200


The great importance that grandparents have today for families today concerns not only concerns the economic subsidiarity support or the protection and care of the exercise of the function of protection and custody of children, but involves, in educational terms, it also involves the relationship between genders and generations. Several national and international scientific research projectes dwell on the grandparents’ specificity of the contribution of grandparents to the welfare of young families, but fail to deal tackle, with the necessary clarity, the issue of the substantial diversity that characterizesdifference between the grandmother’s action, especially particularly maternal action, compared to that of the grandfather’s, mostly pmaternal role. RatherInstead, the researches focuses on the figures of grandparents figures as if they were asexual, often subtending with the word “«grandparents”» implying the analysis of the grandmother or the reference to the playful or post-parental function of the grandfather. There are few studies that allow a good explanation of the typical education model embodied by grandfathers. Far from a naively adoptingon of the stereotyped concept of maleness and femaleness, this article tries to focus on the male model that characterizinges the grandfathers’ affection of grandfathers towards their grandchildren, with particular attention to primary school age (from 6-7 to 11 years of lifeold). 


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