n° 2 luglio-dicembre 2016
Dossier. Familles et espaces urbains: les défis éducatifs en contexte multiculturel et numérique

L’encouragement à la coéducation dans les milieux éducatifs urbains

Published 2016-11-24


  • family education,
  • coeducation,
  • early childhood,
  • educational services

How to Cite

Silva, C. (2016). L’encouragement à la coéducation dans les milieux éducatifs urbains. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 11(2), 7–17. https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-19517


In order to respond to the needs of family education in Italy, and especially in the regions of the Centre-North, for what concerns the practices addressed to early childhood, it was recently found an increase of training and educational activities aimed at pedagogically supporting parents in the difficult task of raising and educating their children. The aim of this paper is that one to describe the experiences of some Tuscan ECEC services, where they have been realized projects “for” and “with” parents, sometimes even involving also grandparents. These actions encourage the independence of the parental couple and enhance self-esteem, developing their sense of responsibility and strengthening their ability to think in a reflexive manner: parents meet and share each other their own thoughts and experiences, in order to implement their knowledge, therefore "growing up" together.