Vol. 21 No. 3 (2021): Research and practices to learn how to reach a sustainable and healthy economic and social recovery post Covid-19
Dossier Covid

The work of the educator at the time of Covid-19. A study on the impact of the health emergency and the role of technologies

Cristina Gaggioli
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Elena Gabbi
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Maria Ranieri
Università degli Studi di Firenze

Published 2021-12-31


  • educator,
  • social educational services,
  • covid 19,
  • technologies,
  • educatore professionale,
  • servizi socio-educativi,
  • tecnologie
  • ...More

How to Cite

Gaggioli, C., Gabbi, E., & Ranieri , M. . (2021). The work of the educator at the time of Covid-19. A study on the impact of the health emergency and the role of technologies. Form@re - Open Journal Per La Formazione in Rete, 21(3), 230–249. https://doi.org/10.13128/form-10174


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought to light many problematic knots within the Italian welfare state. The scientific literature produced in recent months has focused heavily on the impact that the pandemic has had in various sectors, neglecting over the data on social-educational services. The present study questions the role that the figure of the educator has had in the pandemic period and the possible effects that his or her involvement has produced both within the services in which he or she works and at the level of professional identity. The study presented here therefore offers a glimpse of the impact of Covid-19 on social-educational services, focusing on the function of technology in the remodeling of services provided and on the role of the educator. The research highlights how, despite the challenges and the initial disorientation, technologies can be, even in the social-educational and care contexts, an important instrument of integration for the continuity of the educational relationship.


Il lavoro dell’educatore al tempo del Covid-19. Uno studio sull’impatto dell’emergenza sanitaria e sul ruolo delle tecnologie.


La pandemia da Covid-19 ha fatto emergere molti nodi problematici all’interno del welfare state italiano. La letteratura scientifica prodotta negli ultimi mesi si è molto concentrata sull’impatto che la pandemia ha avuto in vari settori, glissando i dati relativi ai servizi socio-educativi. Il presente studio si interroga sul ruolo che la figura dell’educatore ha avuto nel periodo pandemico e sugli eventuali effetti che il suo coinvolgimento ha prodotto sia all’interno dei servizi in cui opera che a livello di identità professionale. Lo studio qui presentato offre dunque uno spaccato sull’impatto del Covid-19 sui servizi socio-educativi, focalizzandosi sulla funzione delle tecnologie nella rimodulazione dei servizi erogati e sul ruolo dell’educatore. La ricerca mette in luce come nonostante le sfide e l’iniziale disorientamento le tecnologie possano costituire, anche nei contesti socio-educativi ed assistenziali, un importante strumento di integrazione per la continuità della relazione educativa.


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