
  • L'ospite ingrato

    «L’ospite ingrato» online è una rivista scientifica internazionale semestrale e peer-reviewed.

    Il progetto della rivista online nasce dalla volontà di creare uno spazio che, partendo dall’esperienza dell’«Ospite ingrato», proponga studi, discussioni ed interventi sulla letteratura, nelle sue relazioni con forme e temi dell’attualità, con particolare riguardo agli interessi culturali e agli ambiti di ricerca scientifica del Centro Franco Fortini.

  • Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development (JAEID)

    NEW 2023 IMPACT FACTOR: 0.5

    The Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development (JAEID) is an international, multidisciplinary journal publishing original research and technical papers concerning activities devoted to International Development in the Global South, particularly associated with marginalized and resource-limited contexts The topics covered by the journal comprehend, but are not limited to:

    • Agronomy, crop production and food security studies in rural and urbanised marginal contexts
    • Sustainable management of natural resources in agriculture (e.g. soil, land, water)
    • Remote sensing applications, forestry and natural resources evaluation
    • Rural development, inclusive of economic analysis, and social sciences studies concerning farmand environmental management
    • Livestock production, aquaculture and fisheries and conservation of animal biodiversity
    • Climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation  strategies related to previous topics 

    We encourage the submission of original and innovative results from international cooperation projects. The journal specifically does not address papers referring to human health studies and/or about experimental studies without a direct link to rural development.

    Editor-in-Chief Elena Bresci, University of Florence, Italy
    ISSN 1590-7198 (print) 
    ISSN 2240-2802 (online)

    The Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development (JAEID)
    is indexed in:

  • Acta Herpetologica

    Acta Herpetologica, a journal open to academics all over the world, offers itself as a new site for the presentation and discussion of the most recent results in the field of research on Amphibians and Reptiles, both living and extinct. The official journal of the Societas Herpetologica Italica (S.H.I.), Acta Herpetologica publishes original works – extended articles, short notes and book reviews – mostly in English, dealing with the biology and diversity of Amphibians and Reptiles.

    Marco Mangiacotti, Università di Pavia, Italy
    ISSN 1827-9643 (online)
    Acta Herpetologica is indexed in:
  • Advances in Horticultural Science

    "Advances in Horticultural Science aims to provide a forum for original investigations in horticulture, viticulture and oliviculture"

    The journal publishes fully refereed papers which cover applied and theoretical approaches to the most recent studies of all areas of horticulture - fruit growing, vegetable growing, viticulture, floriculture, medicinal plants, ornamental gardening, garden and landscape architecture, in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. Papers on horticultural aspects of agronomic, breeding, biotechnology, entomology, irrigation and plant stress physiology, plant nutrition, plant protection, plant pathology, and pre and post harvest physiology, are also welcomed

    Stefano Mancuso, Università di Firenze, Italy

    ISSN 1592-1573 (online)

    ISSN 0394-6169 (print)

    Browse the articles by the UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Bio-based and Applied Economics


    Bio-based and Applied Economics (BAE) is an open-access journal promoted by the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA). Bio-based and Applied Economics (BAE) publishes contributions on the economics and policy of bio-based industries, such as agriculture, forestry, fishery and food, dealing with any related disciplines, such as resource and environmental economics, consumer studies, regional economics, innovation and development economics. The journal aims to promote their mutual enrichment by publishing articles and book reviews in all areas linking these subjects

    ISSN: 2280-6172 (online) 

    Editors: Fabio Bartolini, University of Ferrara, Italy; Silvia Coderoni, University of Teramo, Italy

    Bio-based and Applied Economics is indexed in:
  • Aestimum

    Aestimum is an interdisciplinary and open access Journal dedicated to the methodological study of appraisal and land economics. Founded in 1976 by the Italian Association of Appraisers and Land Economists (Ce.S.E.T.), the topics of interests include rural, urban and environmental appraisal, law studies, evaluation of public investments and land use planning. All the areas are addressed to the international scene. The Journal aims to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences between scholars and practitioners.
    Antonio Boggia, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italia
    Maria De Salvo, Università degli Studi di Catania, Italia
    Maria Cerreta, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italia
    Nicoletta Ferrucci, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italia

    ISSN 1724-2118 (online)

    Aestimum is indexed in:

  • Form@re - Open Journal per la formazione in rete

    Form@re is an Open Journal that aims to foster a closer integration between theory and practice in the field of educational technologies, teaching and learning practices, instructional design. The aim is to make available to teachers, trainers and researchers a significant archive of Open Educational Resources and Best Practices.

    Form@re is a quarterly periodical that collect research and teaching experiences, in particular on the following topics: educational research based on evidence, principles and methods of education, school innovation, technology in teaching and learning, media education, special education and inclusion, e-learning, knowledge management, lifelong learning.

    Form@re officially ranked in the top class of legal journals (A-Class) by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR)

    Paolo Federighi, Università di Firenze, Italy

    ISSN 1825-7321 (online) 

    New Call for Papers is out now.

    Form@re is indexed in:


  • Media Education


    Framing the postdigital childhood

    From families practises and knowledge to the educational response

    Editors - Juliana E. Raffaghelli, Emilia Restiglian, Marco Scarcelli
    Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology, University of Padua.  Contact: juliana.raffaghelli, emilia.restiglian, marco.scarcelli [at]
    Large datasets formed upon the children’s exposure to social media, AI-powered toys and interfaces embed bias and injustice (Barassi, 2020). The data captured from toddlers overexposure to videos watched on social media platforms, later monetized in the commercial recommendations made to parents; images extracted because of the practices of sharenting, later modified through AI tools; or acts of cyberbullying on adolescents using pictures from their infancy, are just some of the unpredictable ways into which the postdigital life of children becomes risk and harm on them (Pangrazio & Sefton-Green, 2020). Childhood is nowadays being a subject of bio-codification, including genomics, neural and cognitive predictions blended with computational big data studies (Lupton & Williamson, 2017). Therefore, children’s rights to their identity and to a safe place to grow up are being violated (Rivera-Vargas et al., 2023)... read more....



     Abstracts submission until September 10, 2024
     Final papers submission until December 22, 2024
     Papers Review – from 1 january 2025-30 april 2025 (including two rounds)
     Papers final version within May 30, 2025
     Issue publication : June 2025

    For further details visit our Call for Papers Section, our Press Release or download the Call as a PDF

    Media Education aims to increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which digital technology can enhance education, through the publication of high-quality research, which extends theory and practice. The Editors welcome research papers on the pedagogical uses of digital technology, where the focus is broad enough to be of interest to a wider education community.  It is open to established and emerging scholars, media professionals, teachers and educators. The journal adopts a double-blind peer review process to foster a multidisciplinary and intellectually rigorous debate on both the theory and practice of interactive media in education.

    Editors in Chief
    Gianna Cappello, University of Palermo, Italy
    Maria Ranieri, University of Florence, Italy

    Media Education is indexed in:
    ISSN (print): 2038-3002 
    ISSN (online): 2038-3010 

  • Prometheus. Rivista di studi classici

    ⓘ Article submissions for the journal have been permanently suspended.

    Prometheus was founded in 1975 by Adelmo Barigazzi and mainly focuses on research regardin Latin and Greek texts in the belief that antiquity can still be crucial in the uprising of modern pupils. Great interest is given to the analysis of manuscrypts and textual criticism, but also to the interpretation and comment of the works.

    Angelo Alfredo Casanova, Università di Firenze, Italy


    ISSN 2281-1044 (online)


  • Cambio. Rivista sulle Trasformazioni Sociali

    OPEN CALL FOR PAPERS 2024: Please click here to read the open call for papers or visit our CALL FOR PAPERS SECTION

    OPEN CALL FOR PAPERS 2024: Please click here to read the open call for papers or visit our CALL FOR PAPERS SECTION

    PREMIO LORENZO BARGELLINI 2023: Please click here to read the announcement of the award

    Cambio. An International Journal on Social Change

    Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali is a peer-reviewed and open-access electronic journal now in its nineth year. It aims to promote theoretical and analytical debates at international level arising from contributions focused on processes of change that are affecting present-day individuals and societies at both local and global levels. CAMBIO's main inspiration is sociological, but it has deliberately chosen to place itself in the open field of the social sciences, convinced that there can be no real depth of specialization without acceptance of the challenge of complexity, a challenge that must be faced in any attempt to interpret, understand, explain or comprehend. 

    Angela Perulli, Università di Firenze, Italy
    e-ISSN: 2239-1118

    CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali is indexed in:

    CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali is supported by:

  • Restauro Archeologico

    ISSN 2465-2377 (online)

    Restauro Archeologico (RA­) is a scientific international print and open access journal, issued every six months. RA publishes articles peer-reviewed – in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, sulla concerning the knowledge, conservation, and valorisation of all endangered, neglected, or ruined architectural structures and aims to focus attention on the methodologies of study and intervention on architectural heritage in archaeological contexts or connected to them.

    Susanna Caccia Gherardini, Università di Firenze, Italy
    Maurizio De Vita, Università di Firenze, Italy
    Restauro Archeologico is indexed in:
  • Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare

    The Italian Journal of Family Education (Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare – RIEF) is an “A-level” (in the Italian system, “Fascia A”) publication, which includes – national, and international – original papers peer-reviewed, on the subjects of family education, and parenting support. These topics are addressed in a pedagogical key, both theoretical and empirical, according to an interdisciplinary perspective, paying attention to the challenges of contemporary life, but also to the historical dimension of the educational processes, linked to the domain of the family. 

    Clara Silva, University of Florence (UNIFI), Italy
    ISSN 2037-1861 (online)
    The Italian Journal of Family Education (Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare) is indexed in:
  • Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES)


    Connect with us


    Quaderni dell'Osservatorio elettorale (QOE) – Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES) - is an international scientific journal dedicated to all different dimensions of elections and voting. Founded in 1977 by Mario Caciagli (University of Florence), QOE-IJES is a reference for electoral studies in Italy. Almost half a century later, QOE-IJES is now the official journal of the Italian Society for Electoral Studies (SISE), thanks to an agreement between SISE and the Regione Toscana. The Journal aims at continuing publishing high-quality original papers from both Italian and international scholars, with the aim to further becoming a major outlet of elections and voting, public opinion, political behavior, and party studies in Italy and beyond.

    NEWS: November 2023: QOE - IJES has been accepted for Scopus indexing, underscoring its academic excellence and international relevance. The Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) conducted a thorough review of QOE - IJES journal and recognised several key strengths: a) Consistent publication of academically sound and relevant articles for an international academic and professional audience; b) Alignment of journal content with the journal's scope and aims; c) Addressing a subject area that is not adequately covered by existing journals.

    ISSN 2724-4679 (ONLINE) ISSN 0392-6753 (PRINT)
    Editors in Chief
    Paolo Bellucci, University of Siena, Italy
    Silvia Bolgherini, University of Perugia, Italy

    QOE-IJES is indexed in:

    QOE-IJES is now making articles available online after the acceptance.

  • Storia delle Donne

    La rivista Storia delle Donne nasce dalla collaborazione di studiose specialiste di epoche e discipline diverse –formate in scuole di varie università italiane– e si propone come pubblicazione ad alto contenuto scientifico. SdD ha periodicità annuale, i numeri sono tematici in ragione della scelta redazionale di presentare ciascun fascicolo come un unicum perché meglio siano colte, messe a fuoco e sviluppate l’evidenza e l’importanza dell’argomento proposto. La sezione «Oltre il tema» ospita articoli non attinenti al tema del monografico.  L’idea che è a fondamento del progetto SdD guarda al nesso tra storia e politica delle donne, ma accorda priorità a quello fra storia e politiche per le donne e con le donne; questa è una delle ragioni per cui la scelta del tema dei fascicoli è dettata dai processi in atto e dalle urgenze che la contemporaneità propone. Il tema viene sviluppato nella sezione «Presente» da contributi che lo illustrano con incroci di approccio e metodo volutamente pluridisciplinari, senza che questo identifichi SdD con l’interdisciplinarietà degli Women’s Studies. Nella sezione «Passato» i saggi restituiscono lo spessore storico e diacronico nella longue durée che si snoda dalle civiltà antiche fino al Novecento. Molto accentuata la proiezione internazionale della rivista, sia nei temi che nelle autrici e autori, gli articoli sono quindi pubblicati in diverse lingue: oltre all’italiano naturalmente, anche in francese, inglese, spagnolo, portoghese.

    Tutti i testi pubblicati in SdD sono valutati, secondo le modalità del doppio cieco (double blind peer review), da due referees individuati nell’ambito di un’ampia cerchia di specialiste e specialisti.

    Editors in Chef:

    Dinora Corsi, Università di Firenze
    Isabella Gagliardi, Università di Firenze 


    Editorial Board

    Marta Baiardi, Università di Basilea, Svizzera  [ baiardi.marta at]

    Anna Beltrametti, Università di Pavia, Italia   (annabelt at

    Sara Cabibbo, Università di Roma Tre, Italia  [sara.cabibbo at]

    Elisa Giunchi, Università di Milano, Italia  [elisa.giunchi at}

    Ida Gilda Mastrorosa, Università di Firenze, Italia  [idagilda.mastrorosa at]

    Aurora Savelli, Università di Napoli L’Orientale, Italia  [asavelli at]

    Chiara Vangelista, Università di Genova, Italia  [chvangelista at]

    Itala Vivan, Università di Milano, Italia   (itala.vivan at]

    ISSN 1826-7505 (online)

    Storia delle Donne is indexed in:
  • TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment

    TECHNE, Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, the scientific journal of SITdA, the Italian Society of Architectural Technology, meets the Society's aims by working, at the national and international level, to promote knowledge and the methods and techniques of Architectural Technology, so as to protect and enhance the man-made environment, and to promote innovative applications and interdisciplinary comparison. The journal publishes articles on innovative research and applications, as well as essays and reports.
    Elena Mussinelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    ISSN: 2239-0243
    TECHNE is indexed in:

    Abstract submission: November 18, 2024 | Abstract acceptance:December 16, 2024
    Article submission: March 03, 2025 | Reviewed article result: April 15, 2025 | Reviewed article submission: May 15, 2025
    PUBLICATION DATE TECHNE 30: October 31, 2025

    BEYOND DECARBONIZATION toward a Climate Neutral urban environment
    Abstract submission: May 22, 2024 | Abstract acceptance: June 28, 2024
    Article submission: September 10, 2024 | Reviewed article result: October 31, 2024 | Reviewed article submission: November 29, 2024

  • Phenomenology and Mind

    ⓘ This journal is no longer published by Firenze University Press; starting in 2020, it will be published by our friends at Rosenberg & Sellier.
    Please visit this link to browse the latest Issues.

    Phenomenology and Mind promotes discussion and interchange among various methodological approaches, thereby overcoming barriers no longer justified in the present age of international, interdisciplinary research communities. Without renouncing its standards of analytical rigour and disciplined experience, in close cooperation with experimental research and historical scholarship, our journal will periodically host monographic issues edited by the various Research Centres. It will also continue to serve as a forum for the International Doctoral Schools organized by those Centres.

    ISSN 2239-4028 (online)

  • Wine Economics and Policy

    "Wine Economics and Policy aims to provide a forum for investigations in economics and politics of wine around the world"

    Wine Economics and Policy is an international, interdisciplinary journal currently run by University of Florence. Studies and researches applied to wine sector, as well as the management skills needed for the competitive development of wine companies, require an increasing international approach. The mission of this journal is to bring together academic researchers and business professionals interested in the economics and politics of wine around the world, and bring about a worldwide opinion on the current issues that the wine sector faces. The main areas of interest of the journal pertain to all the economic aspects of agricultural and biological sciences in the wine sector, from the efficiency of wine companies to the competitiveness of products on the markets


    Special Issue: The Economics of Spirits Markets
    The editors of Wine Economics and Policy invite submissions for a special issue dedicated to the economics of the spirits market. The spirits sector holds significant economic importance, with its products being both produced and consumed worldwide. This industry encompasses a diverse array of products, including Scotch whiskies, French cognacs, Mexican tequilas, Chinese baijiu, and local craft spirits. In recent years, the global spirits industry has experienced a remarkable transformation, spurred by shifting consumer preferences, technological advancements, and evolving regulatory landscapes. This transformation is occurring within a broader context marked by geopolitical tensions, rising production costs, challenges in accessing raw materials, inflation, protectionism, and climate change—all of which necessitate a reexamination of the sector's strategic fundamentals. This special issue seeks to capture the latest research on these dynamic markets and provide a comprehensive understanding of the economic forces shaping the spirits industry.

    Read the full Call for Papers here

    ISSN: 2212-9774
    Nicola Marinelli, University of Florence, Italy

    Wine Economics and Policy is indexed in SCOPUS.
    Considering the variety of relevant themes for the development of the wine industry, the subjects of interest for WEP mainly are:
    • Economics: economic models for the study of the wine sector
    • Marketing: strategic and operative issues
    • Management and organisation: management styles and organisation approaches in small, medium and large wine companies
    • Information and communication technologies in wine B2B and B2C contexts
    • Structure of the wine industry: company typologies, networks and clusters, supply chain actors
    • Innovation: process, product and organisation innovation trends
    • Consumer behaviour: current knowledge and research tools
    • Sustainability and markets: in corporate management choices and consumer preferences
    • Policy: public policies and rural development
    • Legislation: local regulations and international standards
  • Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali

    Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali / Working Papers in Linguistics and Oriental Studies (QULSO), is an open-access peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for scholarly debate for Linguistics and Oriental Studies researchers in Italy and abroad. The journal publishes articles relating to the analysis of natural language in its various aspects, paying special attention to the following fields of inquiry: theoretical models of language; the description of linguistic systems; the linguistic continuum in historical, typological and sociolinguistic perspectives; linguistic structures of languages of the Orient and their historical evolution; experimental linguistics (psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics) and applied linguistics; pragmatics and semantics; communication. 

    Direttore scientifico / Editor-in-Chief
    Maria Rita Manzini, Università degli Studi di Firenze
    Condirettore / Coeditor-in-Chief
    Leonardo Maria Savoia, Università degli Studi di Firenze


    ISSN 2421-7220 (online)


    Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali is indexed in:
  • Ri-Vista. Research for landscape architecture

    The portrait of an open space (in the complexity)
    Edited by Emanuela Morelli, Jordi Bellmunt, Marco Cillis

    Call for Papers

    Photo: Igor Mukhin, Gorkogo Park, Mosca 2006

    Considered during the second half of the 19th century as a void lacking peculiarities, scarcely recognised and as a suspended entity ‘waiting for’, today open space has returned to the forefront of the design scene. As the quintessential place for rights and for promoting social equity and ecological democracy, open space is able to generate different relationships, be they biotic, functional, perceptual, temporal, social or cultural. According to Lawrence Halprin, the combination of open spaces establishes a sort of choreography within which movement and life take place. For Georges Perec, space is a doubt that must be constantly identified and shown, definable where our gaze stops, on which our sight stumbles: “living is passing from one space to another trying to not get hurt too much”. For Martin Heidegger, if the Open (das Offene) is synonymous with the boundless,... Read More...

    The call is open until November 30st 2024

    Visit our CALL FOR PAPERS SECTION page or download the PDF (ita/eng)

    Ri-Vista is an open access, peer-reviewed six-monthly scientific journal in electronic format, ranked in “Class A” by ANVUR - Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes. Founded in 2003, the second series was launched in 2015, when Ri-Vista became part of the scientific journals of the University of Florence. The journal does not ask any charges neither from authors nor readers and operates through international calls for papers and double-blind peer review.
    Ri-Vista deals with the multiple dimensions of landscape planning and design, seen from a rich variety of disciplines, in a scientific and open perspective which is distinctive of landscape architecture. Each issue aims at gathering knowledge and visions around specific topics, promoting innovative and responsible actions for creation, protection, restoration and management of landscapes.


    Emanuela Morelli, Università di Firenze, Italy
    issn: 1724-6768 
    Ri-Vista is indexed in:
  • Rivista di Storia dell’Educazione

    Journal of History of Education RSE  is an international, peer-reviewed and open-access journal focused on the global significance and impact of history of education. It covers all the theoretical and practical aspects of the history of education, as well as scholarship and applied research. It is the official journal of CIRSE (Italian Center for History of Education), the field’s leading scientific society in Italy, and has been published since 2014 (since 1982 with another title). The journal is biannual and publishes both special and miscellaneous issues. It encourages submissions from a range of intersecting sub-fields in intellectual, social, political, economic, and cultural history including (but not limited to): sociology of knowledge, history of childhood and youth, public and urban history,  cultural and comparative history, history of ideas, history of emotions.

  • Studi Slavistici

    Studi Slavistici is the Open Access journal of the Italian Association of Slavists (A.I.S.). It publishes academic articles, research and book reviews and informative essays. Its main aim is to foster specialized Slavic research and to make quality information available to a broader public of readers and Internet users. The journal also acts as a bridge between the academic tradition of Italian and European Slavic studies and the latest cultural trends in various Slavic subjects. Special attention is devoted to the literature, languages, culture and various art forms of all Slavic countries, but also to interdisciplinary approaches in methodology, inter-Slavic and Slavic-European literary, linguistic and cultural relationships.


    Maurizia Calusio, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Italy
    Paola Cotta Ramusino, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

    Studi Slavistici is indexed in:

  • Webbia

    The Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography (Webbia) is a full open access peer-reviewed journal on Plant Systematics, Nomenclature, Phylogeny, Phytogeography contributions deal with the Vascular Plants.  It aims to allow research in botanical topics such as Taxonomy, Nomenclature, Systematics, Molecular Phylogeny, Conservation, Biogeography, and History fo Botany and Botanical collections.  

    A first assessment after returning home: 2020-2021

    Two years have passed since Webbia returned home with Firenze University Press and it is time to take stock of the state of the art in which she finds herself. During the two-year period 2020-2021 and in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, Webbia managed to maintain an excellent editorial level by publishing a total of 49 articles, 1 review, 2 comments and 1 point of view. Overall, 48 new taxa (including species, hybrids, series) and 16 nomenclatural updates (including new combinations and status nomenclatural, new synonyms, new names) were published.
    All this was possible thanks to the sensitivity and interest of an audience of scholars who gave breath and increased the global credibility of the journal by believing in Webbia's role as a communication tool in the international botanical community in the field of plant taxonomy. Thanks to all those who have allowed this success. Here a special thanks goes to all the Associated Editors who have accepted to join the journal with their prestigious credentials, as well as to those who have directly worked in the review process by making their professionalism and their time available to Webbia. A special thanks goes to the FUP managerial staff who followed me in the transfer from a previous publishing house to a new editorial experience, as well as to the one dedicated to copyediting without which nothing would have been possible with excellent editorial outcomes.

    On these premises and on the results achieved in these two years with FUP, Webbia is preparing to face a new year with ambitious actions including the beginning of the publication of "special issues" dedicated to monographic contributions of international importance, in the hope of consolidating and stimulating its growth. We believe in this project to be shared with those who have supported us until now and will want to do it in the future, remembering Webbia as one of the first European journals in Plant taxonomy that will soon see its 120th anniversary from its foundation (1905- 2025).

    Thank you all, and let me say ... Ad Maiora!

    April 26, 2022
    R. M. Baldini

    ISSN 2169-4060 (print) ISSN 0083-7792 (online)
    Riccardo Maria Baldini, Università di Firenze, Italy

    Webbia is indexed in: